Sunday, 1 October 2017

The Autumn Phenomenon

Summer is gone...autumn is coming. At least that is what they say. But what are seasons? Ideally, summer is sunny and warm, autumn is colourful and rainy, winter is cold and icy, and spring means blossoms and flowers. That's what we learned when we were children and that is what many songs are about. 
But what's real? This summer was indeed sunny and warm, but mostly humid. This tropical rainforest climate started in June and lasted until early September. It was mostly unbearable as there was no oxygen in the air. It was suffocating and it was impossible to do outdoor sports. Due to the many mosquitos it was unbearable to sit outside in the evening. 

Now autumn is coming...and with it the oppressive heat is gone. The air feels lighter.  It is still sunny and warm, but much more relaxing. The oxygen has returned and with it the motivation to spend time outside. I feel more alive and closer to nature. Everything feels more natural and real. 

Finally my summer feeling is there. It feels right.