Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Toxic People

 It is very likely that everyone knows at least one toxic person. So this phenomenon is common and people deal with toxic people every day. And when you search for information on toxic people, you find a lot. I also have some of these specimen in my life and that's why I started to read about it - hoping that it would make it easier to cope with these problems. 

So what are toxic people? How to you recognize them? 

They actively look for fights. They try to make a mountain out of a molehill. When a conversation could easily fix a misunderstanding, they dramatize as much as they possibly can. 

They always need to be in the centre of attention. Especially when they are in a group, they need to present themselves. 

They lack a proper sense of guilt. They only know that they are right and the other person is wrong. Because of that, they never apologize. They are able to twist events and stories and convince other people of their own truth.

They manipulate people in order to get what they want. 

They have great expectations, which they seldom communicate. But if you do not meet these expectations, they will punish you and judge you. Even though they have expectations, they do not give much back in return.

They often argue about anything and make you defend yourself. They will then find a loophole in your argumentation and unfold the drama. 

They pressure you and tell you that you are a bad human being to make you feel bad. 

They do not support you, even though you are supposed to support them continuously. 

They do not listen to you - even worse, they do interrupt you a lot. 

They are jealous - they do not begrudge you something that they did not achieve themselves. 

They do not show any consideration for somebody and do not respect your feelings or fears and hopes.  

They take great pleasure in complaining about their life and they expect you to fix their problems. Once a problem is fixed, it will not take long for them to present you with another one. It is always about them. You do not to get to present your own problems to them. 

They are mean and want to hurt you, because it makes them feel better!


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