Sunday, 5 June 2016

Made in Hollywood

Mr Squirrel's Diary X

It's a sunny afternoon. Lady Squirrel and I are chasing each other in my garden. It's exciting. Suddenly, there is a noise. We both look up. There is another female squirrel. Unlike Lady Squirrel, this other female has light fur. She bears a resemblance to me. I am distracted immediately and decide to approach her. Lady Squirrel is also interested in this stranger and after some moments we start chasing each other. Soon Lady Squirrel leaves us and I make a move on the newcomer. She seems interested, so we fight some minutes before we go nuts together. We enjoy the intimate moment to the full. The day couldn't be better. Weeks ago, I was alone, now I have two females in my life. Afterwards, we are sitting next to each other. We are both happy and relaxed and I am listening to the bird's songs. 
Suddenly, there is a noise. I look up. A bird of prey landed on my walnut tree and is looking for prey. We stop moving and pretend to be dead. Lady Squirrel, who is sitting in the walnut tree as well, does the exact same thing. My heart is beating so fast. I hope that he can't see us. Lady S II is watching me anxiously. I don't know what to do. I can't move, so I can't comfort her. After some minutes of stress, the bird of prey flies to another tree in my garden and before we can even realize it, it catches a little titmouse and flies away with the poor little bird. All the other birds in the garden start chirping. They mourn the death of their friend. The twittering of the birds gets louder and louder. We are still motionless and my hard continues beating very fast. A bird got killed in my garden! It could have hit me as well. Life is so unpredictable. I look at Lady S II, she looks lost and scared. We decide to slowly go back to our drey to hide there. What a day! Love, fun, life and death are sometimes just a heartbeat away from one another. 

Meeting Lady S II

Going nuts together <3

A relaxing moment afterwards...

The appearance of the bird of prey

Lady S I is alarmed as well. 

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